March 15th Climate Strike…with your students..

When people talk about the climate strikes … they talk about almost anything except for the climate crisis: they talk about whether we are promoting truancy, or whether we are puppets, or it’s great that the young people are taking action. They don’t want to talk about the climate crisis … they just want to change the subject.”Greta Thunberg.

Recently when visiting a middle school class, I shared about Greta Thunberg, the Swedish teen that has inspired youth all over the world to hold Climate Strikes, and one coming up in the US next Friday March 15th.  I was a little surprised when the teacher said ‘”oh, we can do that, we’ve done that before @ other issues”.  This means that teachers and students at this school will work together to study the issue and on March 15th will march (strike) around their neighborhood sharing messages encouraging taking action on Climate Change.   A sign of collaboration. YES! Please consider doing something similar.

Greta is remarkable.  You can google her to find some of her videos and stories about her. Here are a few links.“in response to hate and lies, let me make some things clear about my climate strike” by Greta Thunberg, 2.2.2019 Greta TED Talk.

background information
Interviews with 8 youth from around the world, who are leading Climate Strikes in their own communities. 2.11.2019

The Green New Deal…. perhaps you’ve read or heard of it….Here is short video (NBC) sharing the story:,Inside The Sunrise Movement: How Climate Activists Put The Green New Deal On The Map. A group of 20yr olds that started this just 2 years ago.

Climate Trial – 22 youth suing the US federal government to protect the Climate.  Here is the story “Lawsuit could put Climate Change on trial” as reported on CBS 60 minutes program on March 2 2019.

Youth plaintiffs in Climate Trial

Article in The Nation, March 2019 issue, “On March 15, the Climate Kids Are Coming” This article talks about Greta, Sunrise, and youth activists engaging in Climate Activism.

Youth Climate Strike US. 5 teens organizing strikes across the county on March 15th.  Visit this site to learn more about other youth climate strikes around the country and ideas for your own.

Need a refresher on Climate Change/Global Warming basics. Visit Climate 101 by Climate Reality Project. and

Additional Resources….Drawdown – the Most Comprehensive Plan ever proposed to Reverse Global Warming. 100 Solutions to Reverse Global Warming. it’s inspiring, and a great resource for study in your classroom.

the Parents Guide to Climate Revolution – by Mary DeMocker.100 Ways to Build a Fossil-Free Future, Raise Empowered Kids, and Still Get a Good Night’s Sleep [Great book & resource. TA]

Wondering when we’ll get back to Solar Energy? Not to worry, the sun comes up everyday. It’s good to explore why we’re interested in the promise of sunshine and all it can do. A Big reason is it’s potential to wean us off fossil fuels, helping to reverse global warming.

Looking forward,


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