[November 9th, 2016] I’m not feeling very well this morning, but after crawling out from under the covers, saw that the Sun is shining today, as it does everyday, and realized that the task of shaping a Clean Energy Future remains. Now, more than ever, the importance of engaging young people in this movement has increased dramatically. One small step in this process is to REPURPOSE those campaign signs that have littered the landscape across the country. While this corrugated plastic (polypropylene) material is recyclable, please consider collecting some for use in your Classroom or School, or help direct these materials to your local school. Providing students a Hands-on opportunity to explore applications of harnessing the Sun’s Energy, is a good start to toward that Clean Energy Future we’re hoping for.
We’ve been experimenting with this material for the past 5 months since the primaries, making Solar Notebook Chargers (for cellphonse, flashlights, powerbanks), and reflectors for Solar Ovens (increasing temperatures by up to 100F), lightweight model solar cars, and more. We’re collecting this material from our local area, so we have plenty for now. If you are a teacher or school, reach out today to the campaign organizers in your local area about collecting signs before they are recycled or landfilled. Find the contact information online for campaigns in your area to ask about donating the signs to your school. For solar project details, we’ll have a few project options to share online shortly. Fill in your contact info here if you’d like project details when they are available.
In addition to SOLAR Energy projects, there are many more cool and practical projects that students can get creative and build. Tools required are a utility knife and some zip ties. plus some math skills and imagination.
Other potential projects using repurposed campaign signs made of corrugated plastic.
or the tiny coroplast house….